Kimberly takes a dive

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Ouch! The Pussycat Dolls' Kimberly Wyatt takes a trip on the ice after lacing up her skates in training for The Jump.

The celebrities have now flown out to Innsbruck, Austria, to start their training, learning some of the most challenging and dangerous winter sports known to man.

The snowbound stars will need nerves of steel as they compete in some of the most terrifying winter sports including Skeleton, Bobsleigh, Speed Skating, Skier Cross and Slalom. Winter Olympic skier Graham Bell and Winter Olympic Skeleton gold medallist Amy Williams will put them through their paces as they face their fears and prepare for the biggest challenges of their lives.

The contenders will also be coached by legendary Winter Olympian Eddie ‘the Eagle’ Edwards, as each night two of the celebrities will face a live Ski Jump to keep their place in the competition.

Eddie said “This competition is as much about mental strength as it is about physical agility. Winter sports are tough to master; it takes skill, guts and determination to get round a course. The ultimate test will be The Jump itself. I know how hard it can be when the world is watching.”

The Jump starts on January 26th on Channel 4. Get the latest on the official The Jump website.