Lessons I've Learned
Lessons I’ve Learned is my new book which is out now.
I am a work in progress. There are times when I feel in control and like I know what I'm doing… and there are times (quite a few)(actually lots) when I've got no idea what’s going on, where to turn, what to do, how to behave, and those are the times I've sought help! I have been helped by some extraordinary people.
I've been supported and counselled through my recovery from drugs and alcohol. I've been hypnotised to get me through going to the bottom of the sea in a sub (Life at the Extreme). I've read a squibillion (that's a lot) of fantastic self-help books and I have shared and shared with the greatest girlfriends and family of all time. These nuggets of wisdom have at times literally kept me going, so I thought I'd pay it forward and share them with you.
I’ve made the mistakes so you don’t have to! That’s what this book is all about, and I can’t wait to hear what you all think.
Love xx
Lessons I've Learned is published by Orion on in hardback and eBook, and is available to order now.
“So.. I'm still a work in progress but thought I might share the Lessons I've Learned so far!!”